Heart-Centered Sacred Science 2022

This is an excerpt from one of my blogs and a partial excerpt from my book, The Measure of Christ’s Love, I think this will bring you all some peace.

“Archangel Michael showed me a demonstration proving Light always overcomes darkness; the opposite is impossible. Like attracts like, that is sacred science. Basically, everything that relies on the lower vibrational levels of fear will be cast in one direction and the vibrational levels of love will be cast in another. In my view, the Earth will essentially divide vibrationally as humanity continues to ascend to higher levels. At that point, mankind will have realized that all the problems on Earth are not problems at all, but can be addressed very easily from a different level of consciousness than what created them. This is already happening and in the interim, things will get much worse and more chaotic as the separation becomes more evident but will level off respectively. By the way, I believe the shift has begun.”

When we first published over a decade ago, Jesus gave many warnings: “The citizens of your world must unite to put an end to modern day slavery. Forget feeling separated by countries and collaborate to prevent those who would thwart any of Earth’s inhabitants from prospering and re-establish equality through currents of love and respect for all life, including animals. Humankind is witnessing the breakdown of the economic systems that created the current class system. Countless souls waited a long time to be part of the creation of a new Golden Era, a new expansion of light, and an opportunity to serve our Creator. DURING THIS PERIOD OF ADJUSTMENT, HOLD ONTO THE VALUES THAT HONOR ALL PEOPLE, THOSE THE HEART KNOWS TO BE TRUE AND BENEFITS ALL LIVING BEINGS. YOU DO THIS BY TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR OWN MIND, THOUGHTS, AND WILL. THIS IS HOW YOU FULFILL YOUR LONGING TO SERVE GOD AND THESE ARE THE SEEDS THAT WILL BRING ABOUT POSITIVE CHANGES TO YOUR PLANET.”



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