Sacred Meditation Blanket

Through the Christ Matrix, Jesus has offered his endorsement of these blankets as protection against electromagnetic frequencies. (We are experiencing temporary technical difficulties so please bear with us. Please use PayPal: The cost per blanket is $75.00 plus shipping–I always ship the least expensive way. The blankets are approximately 6 feet long and two feet wide. Color choices: saffron (pictured) is sold out, only navy blue is available.

The original inspiration for creating the MEDITATION BLANKET was inspired by Paramahansa Yogananda, one of the great spiritual figures of our time. His instructions for creating an environment for meditation include the following suggestions: Choose a quiet place, sit in a straight-back armless chair that preferably faces east. Place a woolen blanket, that may also be covered with silk, over your meditation chair and allow the fabric to run under your feet.

Yogananda stated: “The silk and the wool insulate your body against Earth currents, so that their opposite magnetic pull will not impede the flow of the life current and consciousness, which you are trying to draw upward through the spinal centers to the higher centers of divine consciousness in the brain.” Following this advice led to creating this sacred tool.

                                  Designed by Mukunda Imports, Made in India

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Currently, we are experiencing PayPal technical issues. To place an order please email me at

color choices–saffron