Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde

 I have a lot of respect for the astrological sciences, but do not claim to have in depth knowledge about them. However, I am intrigued with one’s Saturn Return and I do pay attention when the planet of communication, Mercury, goes retrograde (MR). And it is not that I am late getting this article out—Mercury Retrograde began again on July 14 and ends August 8—I was leaving this information output to the astrologers; however, many have asked me to weigh in. This particular period is creating a lot of change along with the usual chaos, delays and misunderstandings.

First some background on astrology basics:

Astrology is a system of scientific calculation. It is the configuration of planets influencing the life plan at the time of birth and throughout one’s life. An astrological reading shows the vibrational aspect of your relationship to the planets at the time of your in­carnation. This is a part of your personal blueprint. Astrology is evidence that everything occurs in cycles and the appropriateness of timing. It is a system of symbols, very much like mathematics. It has meaning (as an organizing framework) only when applied to events. Each planet affects the evolution of the entire solar system, as does each individual on different levels.


Since this is a science an experienced astrologer–a generic term because many astrologers specialize–can really take full advantage of assembling the thousands of statistics with the symbols and signs of the planetary cycles and alignment. Many professional astrologers will also use the wisdom of their intuition when making sense of all of this. It is a framework from which to function when applied to real events, because the patterns formed by the stars and planets symbolically reflect patterns in our lives, like a mathematical equation, but they are not a part of the experience. This science of astrology is quite fascinating and throughout history consulting astrology was the norm. When this country was founded astrology was heavily consulted. The dates to sign important documents, such as The Declaration of Independence, were chosen this way.

More and more Wall Street stockbrokers are referring to astrology in advising their clients and there are several publications offering stock market predictions based on astrology. A lot of firms now enlist the aid of astrologers to chart their employees and their clients.

The more information you give an astrologer, such as your date, time and place of your birth, the more accurate and personal the feedback. The horary, which is the hour the question is presented to the astrologer, is also significant to the outcome. Warning, the horoscopes in your local newspapers are not truly your personal forecast; they are more on the level of fortune cookies.

I have a great deal of respect for professional astrologers. Once the public realizes the full potential of this science it will expedite positive change. The more knowledgeable the public regarding astrology or any of the Metaphysical sciences, the less hoaxers will be able to defraud anyone.


Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the ruler of communications; therefore, this is not a good time to sign a contract or any kind of agreement such as a will, especially if it is a fresh idea.  You would not want to buy a home or accept a job during this period either. Basically, anything with moving parts is in jeopardy during MR like cars and especially small appliances, including computers (they are also used for communicating) are in danger of failing. If mailing an item usually takes 3 days to get to the destination, during MR it could take twice as long and traveling could be a nightmare.

Keep things light, avoid or postpone deep discussions, but this may not be practical. I will mention we are in a MR period if the person I am speaking to is open to this, giving them a heads up that our communications may be a bit challenging. In business this may not be the best idea. This is why it is wise to mark off MR periods on your calendars; so you know in advance when to book or avoid situations. If you have a conflict, be overly prepared, concise, patient, and some humor always helps. It would be wise to circumvent political discussions or anything controversial.

How to take advantage of the positive effects of MR:

This is the time to introspect, organize your home and your life, get closure with a past issue, or search for something you have lost, even an old friend—but wait for MR to end before contacting them. Remember this is the worst time to communicate: it would be awful to finally reconnect than risk a disagreement.  Above all, be loving.

Now-a-days there are many sites with scientific explanations of Mercury Retrograde, and Coronal Mass Ejections commonly referred to as CME’s, which affects earth’s magnetic field and us in a very powerful way. Just be sure to use your discernment when researching anything.

The last MR period for 2012 is November  To keep on top of these dates, I like the site: