Judgment, by Vera Lauren

This is a difficult topic not only because I do not want to be judgmental; however, this fine line is what makes it so important. Adding to the complexity are cults or religions having judgment at their core and most egregious, blaming God, whom is above succumbing to judgment. Many brainwash their congregations to control through fear. Recently, I was called for jury selection and wanted to do my civil duty, but conflicted. I could have easily been excused for a medical condition, but thought I would give it a go anyway. Besides, once the judge asked me about my personal beliefs, and although I do not belong to any religion, I knew he and the lawyers would dismiss me. Boy was I right, when I mentioned I defer to intuition over everything else, including common sense, and I believe in karma, I was let go. (FYI: Intuition is wisdom and can never be wrong, where people get confused is their incorrect interpretation of intuitive thoughts, especially when under stress and emotional.) I was torn, but to be honest, I was happy to be dismissed—this was an especially challenging case, which is also why it would benefit them to choose someone with my background and philosophies. Here is why I believe that to be:

In this case, the judge is a patient very polite gentleman. He reminded us that the court is not the place to take issue with the law and that we were to uphold the laws in place. For example, in our country, we are supposedly Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat, meaning innocent until proven guilty, within reason. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which has to collect and present enough compelling evidence to convince the trier of fact, who is restrained and ordered by law to consider only actual evidence and testimony that is legally admissible, and in most cases lawfully obtained, that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If reasonable doubt remains, the accused is to be acquitted.

When asked if we understood, without hesitation everyone agreed. However, when asked if we had to make a judgment at that very moment– not having heard any testimony from either side,– what would our verdict be? The majority of perspective jurors said they could not answer because they needed to “hear” the case. So clearly, the defendant was not innocent in their minds, but to be fair to them nor was he guilty. For me, this was a frightening experience because he would have to be considered innocent; yet no one else seemed to have this realization.

Another issue, perspective jurors were asked if a similar crime had happened to them or a loved one? If they said yes, the court wanted to know if they could put their emotions aside and make an impartial judgment. Everyone asked said yes. I am sorry, I disagree, we are all informed by our experiences; this is what makes us who we are, but most times this is a good thing.
I do respect those dedicating their lives in service with high intentions to truly see justice is done, and the same to jurors dedicated to uphold the law and do their civic duty. However, there are layers upon layers at stake here and justice needs to be peacefully dealt and always non-violently. With my particular beliefs, there are no victims, only volunteers. For example, in the past, I have written and spoken many times on what I consider to be one of the most repulsive of all sick crimes, which is pedophilia. Bear with me now, just say after a pedophile dies and he stands before the Karmic Board for his life review; then realizes his misdeeds and decides to reincarnate as a “victim” to be an example of the injustice. If you knew that, of course the pedophile would have to be dealt with, but imagine how different your perspective knowing the victim’s past life. Now please do not think I am saying this is so in all cases, and do not, under any circumstances, judge victims, whatever the case. My intentions are to broaden your thinking and for you to stop going with the herd, in other words, don’t be a sheeple. We all have a magnetic core, and what we put out, comes back. Think of a boomerang. “Realize you cannot judge without experiencing your own judgments. This does not mean God or your I Am Presence will take anything away from you, but your energy patterns will create a bridge to that circuit the soul is judging, and set up a lesson for you based on that judgment. This occurs on levels below the conscious mind and your conscious feeling world, but this is not done to disgrace you. It is to teach that all of you are a part of experience in the realms of duality.” (Quote from MCL.)

For even more on this I turned to master Jesus as channeled through his oracle, Catherine Julian Dove in The Measure of Christ’s Love and here are those excerpts:

Judgment Day
There isn’t any judgment day; rather, it is the balancing of cause and effect before the Karmic Board, which I just spoke of. There truly are no accusers and your Christ Self stands beside you. What happens is you are given every opportunity to review your life, the affect you had on others and on the world, and to cast light on these situations to bring them in balance. The Christ also intercedes for you as this is part of your life review, and less about judgment. I, Jesus the Christ, am incapable of hating or judging anyone. I merely view stages of growth within each of God’s creations.

The Halls of Judgment
No one should ever be afraid of our loving Creator; God does not deal with His creations with a heavy hand. Several prophecies within the Old Testament need to be updated, and this is one of them. In ancient times, there was a tabernacle in the astral planes called the Halls of Judgment. The Karmic Board brought forth a dispensation from the Halls of Justice and closed the Halls of Judgment, replacing it with the Halls of Mercy. The reason the Halls of Judgment existed at all is because the light within the threefold flame was reduced to those on earth by the I Am Presence and the Higher Self. The human soul could no longer connect to its higher soul components, and the soul energy receded. The Halls of Judgment also existed because unclean spirits began to inhabit earth, and subjected the people to their will, but only those who were truly wicked moved through the Halls of Judgment. Not that anyone was harshly judged, but it was a necessary part of their evolvement. In their life review some did not choose to accept the light; consequently, they were not allowed to continue to evolve in human form. Many of them became the alien races that still do not work in the light.

See Christ in Everyone without Judgment
This is a good time to address how to move beyond personal judgments. Simply put, speak to others as if you were speaking to me. Always see the Christ in each person’s eyes, and you will understand the sense of brotherhood and sisterhood I experienced when I was embodied as Jesus. I saw in others what I saw in myself, and respected them without judgment. Always expect to see God qualities in everyone. Along these lines, teaching by example is a wonderful way to work with children, and then they will organically develop their own God qualities without their parents or guardians enforcing it upon them. Do not focus on expecting to see disappointment in another or thinking he or she will let you down. If someone chooses to be that type of energy, let them go. Always imagine meeting people on their highest level. Anticipate seeing the halo of light above their heads and around their hearts, and this will aid them in developing that light from within; good relationships are developed in this manner. It is how heavenly circuits work. If some individuals, for one reason or another, cannot meet you at this level of mind and heart from their own Christ nature, they will simply not be there. That said, as a person opens to the energies of the Holy Spirit they spin in such light and joy their expectations of others are not always met. This is where discernment plays a role. You see, not everyone is necessarily ready to take on a higher consciousness. They have not met the master on the path. Still, as the budding master, you are asked to love and respect them, honor their freewill, and allow their expression of self to be at whatever level they deem right for themselves. I, Christ, am not burdened by this. I see all as my children. However, those souls do create a weight on society at the level of group consciousness. Subliminally there are times you understand this; nonetheless, it is natural for souls in the process of learning mastery to feel resentment toward those brothers and sisters choosing to hold more darkness than light. In these cases I stand beside you, encouraging you to still see them as creations of God. Understand it is a part of their evolution and their freewill when they choose to destroy the light; instead, of holding onto it. We, in
the heavenly realms, join you in prayer to assist them in awakening, but we cannot interfere. It is why intentions are important. Know we hold a state of grace and a higher state of mind for them, and when they are ready enormous light will adhere to them. Do not pass judgment. Only see the light of Christ offering itself, and indwelling in their minds and hearts. For those who are not yet ready, this allows them to receive the message to prepare to awaken another day or perhaps in another life.

Refrain from Judging
This brings me to another topic: what causes one to walk away from the light? It is judgment, which creates limitation, and this is another reason why I chose to speak in parables. Most people could not yet hold enough light in their lower bodies to remain within the light of their Christ Oversoul. The mental bodies are extremely active and fierce at times. This is additional motivation as to why it is essential to discipline the mind, because it affects all lower bodies. It is important to understand we do not see anyone through the eyes of judgment. The majority place blame on others for one reason or another, which is a form of control. The mind has to be strengthened and prepared to restrain itself. Levels of conscience are developed within the human soul, and this is what eventually will guide that soul toward holding more light. I am not speaking of children, and I am confident when they are observed misbehaving that no one will mistake them for dark souls. The verbal word is enormously powerful and emits a frequency into the ethers, and could actually affect the light of another who is in a weakened state. This is what occurs when dark beings get hold of a weak-minded human. A different issue is many are filled with anger and resentment toward fellow beings, and you draw additional frequencies to you from unseen regions holding the same energy. Some people come together and praise me, but they do not
honor me, themselves or others when they are not being the living example of my words. I exist without judgment in absolute unconditional love; equal for all evolutions of life. I do not hold any races or nations above another. What’s more, the animal kingdom is suffering greatly under the humans, and you must genuinely understand that these creations also come from the hand of our Creator. I came forth to assist in the creation of a vast understanding of the tributaries of love. Since then, an overwhelming number of
souls have tried to fashion their lives around my teachings, but in order to do that they need to immerse themselves in deepening their relationship with me. Regrettably, too great a number of souls come before me while still misaligned within this field of judgment, and they take my words out of context, and do not realize it is never the goal of a higher being to destroy relationships. My walk on earth was short, but I contributed to humankind, to understanding life, and to spreading a message of unconditional love. My
words have brought forth positive changes on earth, and as I keep reiterating, a considerable amount of what I taught has been lost, misconstrued, and manipulated. Yet, the original texts were given to unify the people under one God, a loving God. I gave a large range of very deep talks, and as my following grew there was a wealth of people that permitted the light to course through them. They drank from the same cup I drank from. A substantial number of scholars examined the meanings behind the scriptures, and what saddens me is, not all, but most sects still construe my words as creating division. Consequently, what humankind now has is a shallow doctrine of the truths I gave in my original teachings.

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